The Top Benefits of Outsourced Development
JUL 21, 2024

The Top Benefits of Outsourced Development

Facu Gandini
Braintly Co-Founder

In today’s fast-paced business environment, leveraging global expertise through outsourced development can be transformative for your company. 

Many businesses face challenges in optimizing costs and streamlining operations while maintaining a focus on core activities, often leading them to consider Outstaffing vs Outsourcing as a strategic choice.

Without accessing a diverse talent pool and cutting-edge technologies, companies may encounter inefficiencies, increased costs, and stagnation. 

The lack of specialized skills and fresh perspectives can impede project success and overall growth.

To address these challenges, outsourcing software development offers significant benefits. 

By engaging top-tier developers from around the globe, you can streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance focus on core business activities. 

In this piece, we will explore the primary advantages of outsourcing software development and how it can drive your business toward success. This strategic approach may provide the critical boost your company requires.

Cost Efficiency in Outsourcing Software Development

Aspect Onshore Outsourcing Nearshore Outsourcing Offshore Outsourcing
Definition Partnering with a software development team in the same country as your business. Partnering with a software development team in a neighboring or nearby country. Partnering with a software development team in a distant country, often on a different continent.
Communication - No language barriers
- Minimal time zone differences
- Real-time collaboration
- Fewer time zone differences compared to offshore
- More synchronous communication
- Potential language barriers
- Significant time zone differences
- Challenges in real-time communication
Cultural Alignment - Strong cultural alignment
- Shared business practices
- Better understanding of project requirements
- Similar cultural norms
- Reduced risk of misunderstandings
- Better teamwork
- Potential cultural differences
- Different business practices
- Higher risk of misunderstandings
Proximity - Close geographical proximity
- Frequent face-to-face meetings possible
- Reduced travel costs
- Possibility of more frequent in-person meetings
- Distant geographical location
- High travel costs
- Infrequent face-to-face meetings
Development Cycle - Faster development cycles
- Rapid iteration and high levels of interaction
- Balanced approach between cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency
- Enhanced collaboration
- Potential for 24/7 work cycle
- Projects can progress continuously
- Reduced time to market
Cost Higher costs compared to other models Moderately lower costs than onshore Significant cost savings, lower labor costs
Ideal For - Projects requiring close collaboration
- Complex or time-sensitive projects
- Projects needing ongoing direct interaction
- Rapid response times
- Cost-sensitive projects
- Projects with less need for real-time interaction
- Access to specialized skills and expertise
Example FinTech Innovations partnered with a local firm for market knowledge and regulatory expertise Enhanced collaboration and project oversight with a nearby country's team GlobalTech reduced development costs by 40% by outsourcing to a team in Eastern Europe, boosting revenue by 25%
Aspect Additional Benefits
Reduced Labor Costs - Access to a global talent pool with competitive rates lower than local options.
- Savings on recruiting, training, and employee benefits.
- Avoidance of overhead costs such as office space and equipment.
- Pay only for the specific services needed.
Flexible Pricing Models - Variety of pricing models to fit different budgets and project requirements.
- Fixed-Price Model: Ideal for well-defined projects, ensuring cost predictability.
- Time-and-Materials Model: Flexible for projects with evolving requirements, as payment is based on actual work completed.
- Dedicated Team Model: Consistent team working on your project, balancing flexibility and commitment.
Benefits - Significant cost savings.
- Efficient budget allocation.
- Ability to invest in other critical business areas.
- Adaptable to project needs and budget.
- Easier financial planning.
- Efficient resource allocation.

Access to Expertise in Outsourcing Software Development

Aspect Onshore Outsourcing Nearshore Outsourcing Offshore Outsourcing
Definition Partnering with a software development team in the same country as your business. Partnering with a software development team in a neighboring or nearby country. Partnering with a software development team in a distant country, often on a different continent.
Communication - No language barriers
- Minimal time zone differences
- Real-time collaboration
- Fewer time zone differences compared to offshore
- More synchronous communication
- Potential language barriers
- Significant time zone differences
- Challenges in real-time communication
Cultural Alignment - Strong cultural alignment
- Shared business practices
- Better understanding of project requirements
- Similar cultural norms
- Reduced risk of misunderstandings
- Better teamwork
- Potential cultural differences
- Different business practices
- Higher risk of misunderstandings
Proximity - Close geographical proximity
- Frequent face-to-face meetings possible
- Reduced travel costs
- Possibility of more frequent in-person meetings
- Distant geographical location
- High travel costs
- Infrequent face-to-face meetings
Development Cycle - Faster development cycles
- Rapid iteration and high levels of interaction
- Balanced approach between cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency
- Enhanced collaboration
- Potential for 24/7 work cycle
- Projects can progress continuously
- Reduced time to market
Cost Higher costs compared to other models Moderately lower costs than onshore Significant cost savings, lower labor costs
Ideal For - Projects requiring close collaboration
- Complex or time-sensitive projects
- Projects needing ongoing direct interaction
- Rapid response times
- Cost-sensitive projects
- Projects with less need for real-time interaction
- Access to specialized skills and expertise
Example FinTech Innovations partnered with a local firm for market knowledge and regulatory expertise Enhanced collaboration and project oversight with a nearby country's team GlobalTech reduced development costs by 40% by outsourcing to a team in Eastern Europe, boosting revenue by 25%
Aspect Additional Benefits
Reduced Labor Costs - Access to a global talent pool with competitive rates lower than local options.
- Savings on recruiting, training, and employee benefits.
- Avoidance of overhead costs such as office space and equipment.
- Pay only for the specific services needed.
Flexible Pricing Models - Variety of pricing models to fit different budgets and project requirements.
- Fixed-Price Model: Ideal for well-defined projects, ensuring cost predictability.
- Time-and-Materials Model: Flexible for projects with evolving requirements, as payment is based on actual work completed.
- Dedicated Team Model: Consistent team working on your project, balancing flexibility and commitment.
Benefits - Significant cost savings.
- Efficient budget allocation.
- Ability to invest in other critical business areas.
- Adaptable to project needs and budget.
- Easier financial planning.
- Efficient resource allocation.
Diverse Talent Pool - Access to a global talent pool with specialized skills and industry experts.
- Expertise in specific programming languages and niche market knowledge.
- Innovative problem-solving abilities.
- Fresh perspectives from diverse backgrounds.
- Enhanced cultural competence and adaptability.
Latest Technologies - External teams stay updated with the latest programming languages, frameworks, and tools.
- Implementation of cutting-edge solutions without a steep learning curve.
- Enhanced functionality, performance, and scalability of software products.
- Competitive advantage through technological advancements.
Benefits - Specialized expertise that may not be available locally.
- More creative and effective solutions.
- Competitive edge in international markets.
- Improved cultural competence.
- Access to state-of-the-art tech.
- Improved software functionality and performance.
- Innovative features that differentiate your products.
- Future-proof and scalable software solutions.

Focus on Core Business Functions

Increased Productivity

Outsourcing software development can significantly boost your company's productivity. 

By delegating complex development tasks to an external team, your internal staff can concentrate on strategic projects that drive business growth.

  • Delegating complex tasks externally: This focus ensures that your core business functions receive the attention they need, fostering innovation and efficiency.

Additionally, external development teams often bring specialized skills and streamlined processes that can expedite project completion. This collaboration allows your company to achieve more in less time, enhancing overall productivity.

  • Leveraging outsourced expertise: You can optimize resource allocation, reduce administrative burdens, and ensure that your in-house team is dedicated to activities that align with your business goals.
    Ultimately, outsourcing helps you achieve a higher level of productivity, leading to better outcomes and a stronger competitive position.

Strategic Resource Allocation

Outsourcing software development enables more effective strategic resource allocation within your business. 

By entrusting non-core activities to an external team, you can direct your in-house resources toward critical business areas that drive growth and innovation. 

This approach reduces the complexities associated with managing a full-scale, in-house development team, such as recruitment, training, and retention. 

It also allows you to be more agile in responding to market demands, as you can scale your development efforts up or down without the long-term commitments associated with full-time employees. 

With the burden of development lifted, your key personnel can focus on strategic initiatives, such as:

  • Improving customer experiences

  • Exploring new market opportunities

  • Refining your product offerings. This strategic allocation of resources ensures that your business operates more efficiently and remains competitive in a rapidly changing market.

Quantifiable Benefits

Cost Savings

A 2020 survey conducted by Deloitte revealed that 59% of businesses outsource to reduce costs. Companies that outsource software development report an average cost savings of 30-40% compared to in-house development. 

This significant reduction stems from lower labor costs in countries with competitive outsourcing markets, as well as the elimination of overhead expenses such as infrastructure, utilities, and benefits for full-time employees. 

For instance, research by Statista shows that the average hourly rate for a software developer in North America is around $150, whereas in countries like India or the Philippines, it can be as low as $25-$50 per hour.

Enhanced Productivity and Speed

Outsourcing software development can lead to faster project completion times. A study by the National Outsourcing Association found that outsourced projects are completed 20-30% faster than those handled internally. 

This acceleration is attributed to the availability of a dedicated team of specialists who bring extensive experience and streamlined processes to the table. 

The quicker turnaround times result in faster time-to-market for new products and features, which can be crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.

Access to Specialized Talent

Outsourcing provides access to a global talent pool, enabling businesses to leverage specialized skills that might be scarce or unavailable locally. 

According to a report by McKinsey, the demand for tech talent outstrips the supply by more than 50%, but outsourcing can bridge this gap effectively

This access to diverse skill sets not only enhances the quality of the deliverables but also introduces innovative solutions and fresh perspectives to your projects. 

For example, by outsourcing, you can rapidly onboard data scientists, AI experts, or blockchain developers to meet specific project needs without the burdensome recruitment process.

Risk Mitigation

By outsourcing, businesses can mitigate various risks associated with software development. 

According to a study by ISG, outsourcing partners often have mature risk management protocols and compliance procedures in place, reducing the likelihood of project failures, security breaches, or non-compliance with regulations. 

Outsourcing also helps distribute risk across multiple vendors, ensuring that issues with one team do not derail the entire project. This approach enhances business continuity and allows companies to focus on their strategic priorities.

Scalability and Flexibility

Outsourcing provides unparalleled scalability and flexibility. A survey by the Global Sourcing Association indicated that 70% of companies outsource to achieve scalability

Businesses can quickly scale their development efforts up or down based on project demands without the long-term commitments of hiring full-time employees. 

This on-demand scalability allows companies to respond more effectively to market changes, new opportunities, or peak periods of activity. 

For example, during a product launch, an outsourced team can ramp up quickly to meet increased development needs and then scale down once the launch is complete.

In summary, outsourcing software development offers tangibly quantifiable benefits such as substantial cost savings, enhanced productivity, access to specialized talent, risk mitigation, and scalability. 

These advantages are backed by hard data and industry insights, making outsourcing an attractive strategic option for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive market.

Software Development at Braintly

Braintly is a cutting-edge software development company known for delivering innovative solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of its clients. 

Here's an overview of how Braintly approaches software development to ensure superior quality and client satisfaction:

Agile Methodology

Braintly employs an Agile methodology, which emphasizes iterative development, collaboration, and flexibility. This approach allows for continuous feedback and improvements throughout the development process. Key benefits include:

  • Rapid Delivery: Short development cycles ensure quick releases of functional software.

  • Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing requirements and priorities.

  • Client Involvement: Regular client feedback and collaboration to ensure the final product meets expectations.

Expert Team

Braintly boasts a diverse team of software developers, designers, and project managers who bring a wealth of experience across various domains. 

The team's expertise spans multiple programming languages, frameworks, and platforms, enabling them to tackle complex projects with ease. Highlights include:

  • Specialized Skills: Access to experts in areas like AI, machine learning, blockchain, and more.

  • Continuous Learning: Commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends.

  • Collaborative Environment: A culture that fosters innovation and collective problem-solving.

Quality Assurance

Ensuring the highest quality is a cornerstone of Braintly’s development process. Rigorous testing and quality assurance protocols are in place to detect and resolve issues early. This includes:

  • Automated Testing: Utilizing automated tests to expedite the QA process.

  • Manual Testing: Comprehensive manual testing to catch edge cases and ensure user satisfaction.

  • Continuous Integration: Implementing CI/CD pipelines to streamline the deployment process and maintain code quality.

Client-Centered Approach

Braintly places a strong emphasis on understanding and meeting client needs. The development process is highly collaborative, involving clients at every stage to ensure the final product aligns with their vision and business goals. 

This approach involves:

  • Detailed Requirements Gathering: In-depth discussions to capture all client requirements and expectations.

  • Regular Updates: Frequent progress reports and demos to keep clients informed.

  • Post-Launch Support: Ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues and implement enhancements.

Technological Innovations

Braintly leverages cutting-edge technology to deliver robust and scalable software solutions. 

By staying abreast of technological advancements, the company ensures its clients benefit from the latest innovations in the software industry. Key aspects include:

  • State-of-the-Art Tools: Adoption of the newest development tools and frameworks.

  • Scalability: Building solutions that grow with the client's business.

  • Security: Implementing best practices for data security and compliance.

By integrating these elements into their software development process, Braintly consistently delivers high-quality, innovative solutions that help businesses thrive in a competitive marketplace.

Incorporating Braintly's software development capabilities into your business strategy can unlock new efficiencies, drive innovation, and ensure you stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

Book a Meeting with Braintly

Ready to take the next step? Booking a meeting with us, is easy and could be the beginning of a transformative journey for your business. 

During our meeting, we'll focus on your specific needs, goals, and how our staff augmentation services can help streamline your processes and boost revenue.

Book a meeting with us today and find out how Braintly can help you overcome your tech challenges and position your business for success. We're looking forward to meeting you and answering any questions you might have.