Staff Strength and Weakness: Is it Worth It in 2024?
AUG 8, 2024

Staff Strength and Weakness: Is it Worth It in 2024?

Facu Gandini
Braintly Co-Founder

Having trouble figuring out the strengths and weaknesses of Staff Augmentation?

In this article, we’ll talk about mismatched roles and missed opportunities can make it tough.

We’ll also cover strategies to help you make the most of your team’s abilities to boost your business.

By the end of this read, you’ll have a clearer idea of how to spot your team’s key strengths and weaknesses, along with some practical tips to optimize their skills.

Staff strength and weakness

Staff augmentation strengths include flexibility in scaling teams, quick access to specialized talent, and cost efficiency. However, its weaknesses could be a lack of long-term commitment and potential challenges in integrating external workers into your company culture.

In the next section we're going to talk about the Staff Augmentation strength

Staff Augmentation Strengths

One of the main strengths of staff augmentation is its flexibility. You can easily scale your team up or down depending on your project’s needs without committing to full-time hires.

Here you can see the cost commitment and time investment between in house employees vs staffing

Nearshore Staff Augmentation also gives you quick access to specialized skills that might be tough to find locally, so you can bring in exactly the expertise you need when you need it.

  • Cost efficiency: is another benefit—you can manage your budget more effectively by hiring talent on a temporary basis.
  • Control: you maintain control over your projects since the augmented staff work directly under your guidance, following your processes and using your tools.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: Quickly filling critical roles can speed up your project timelines.
  • Reduced Hiring Risks: You can test talent before committing to long-term hires, minimizing hiring risks.
  • Improved Focus: Your in-house team can concentrate on core activities while augmented staff handle specific task.

Staff Augmentation Weaknesses

Staff augmentation weaknesses include a lack of long-term commitment, difficulties in integrating temporary staff into your team, potential inconsistencies in work quality, and the risk of higher costs if used long-term.

Additionally, it can create dependencies on external providers and may impact team cohesion. Another Weaknesses of Staff Augmentation are: 

  • Lack of Long-Term Commitment: Since augmented staff are typically hired for specific projects or short-term needs, they may not be as committed to your company's long-term goals.
  • Integration: It can be tough to fully integrate temporary team members into your existing workflows and company culture
  • Limited Knowledge Transfer: Temporary staff may not fully understand your business processes or transfer their knowledge to your in-house team.
  • Reduced Team Cohesion: Having a mix of in-house and external staff can sometimes impact team dynamics and reduce overall cohesion.
  • Security Concerns: Bringing in external team members can pose security risks, especially if sensitive information is involved.

Staff Augmentation Strengths and Weaknesses Statistics

Studies show that 70% of companies see improved project speed by leveraging staff strengths, while 60% struggle with team cohesion due to weaknesses in staff integration.

Additionally, 50% of businesses face challenges in maintaining consistent quality when relying on temporary staff. Another Staff Augmentation Strengths and Weaknesses Statistics are:


  • 70% of companies experience faster project completion by effectively leveraging staff strengths. (Source: Harvard Business Review)
  • 65% of businesses report improved innovation when they focus on matching staff skills to specific projects. (Source: McKinsey & Company)
  • 60% of organizations achieve better team efficiency by regularly assessing and optimizing their staff’s strengths. (Source: Gartner)


  • 60% of companies struggle with team cohesion when integrating temporary or new staff members. (Source: Deloitte)
  • 55% of businesses find it challenging to maintain consistent quality with augmented staff. (Source: PwC)
  • 40% of managers report that weaknesses in staff integration lead to delays or project miscommunication. (Source: Forbes)

Staff Augmentation Strengths and Weaknesses Statistics

Strengths Weaknesses
70% of companies see faster project completion by leveraging staff strengths. 60% of companies struggle with team cohesion when integrating new staff.
65% report improved innovation by matching staff skills to projects. 55% find it challenging to maintain quality with augmented staff.
60% achieve better efficiency by optimizing staff strengths. 40% report that integration issues cause delays or miscommunication.

Is it Worth It Staff Augmentation in 2024?

Yes, staff augmentation is definitely worth it in 2024. It allows you to scale your team flexibly and access specialized talent quickly.

The best way to maximize its value is by hiring software engineers and developers from Latin America.

They’re 60% more affordable than U.S engineers, offering equal or better quality and are aligned with U.S. time zones.

If you want to start Staff Augmentation in Latin America, contact us!

Conclusion: Staff Augmentation Strengths and Weaknesses

If you're looking to make the most out of staff augmentation, focusing on Latin America is your best bet. The region offers a unique blend of cost-efficiency, high-quality talent, and time zone alignment with the U.S., making it easier to integrate teams seamlessly.

By hiring skilled developers and engineers from Latin America, you not only get top-tier expertise at a fraction of the cost but also benefit from a smoother workflow, thanks to the shared working hours.

Ultimately, the key to successful staff augmentation lies in leveraging these regional strengths. Latin American professionals provide the specialized skills you need while maintaining alignment with your core team, helping you scale effectively without compromising on quality or efficiency.

If you want to start Staff Augmentation in Latin America, contact us!

FAQs: Staff Augmentation Strengths and Weaknesses

What are the pros of staff augmentation?

Staff augmentation offers flexibility to scale your team, quick access to specialized skills, cost efficiency by hiring on a temporary basis, and the ability to maintain control over your projects while preserving your company culture.

Why is staff augmentation important?

Staff augmentation is important because it lets you fill skill gaps quickly, adapt to changing project needs, and manage your budget more effectively, all while keeping your core team focused on what they do best.

What is staff augmentation in simple words?

Staff augmentation is when you temporarily add outside experts to your team to help with specific projects, without hiring them as full-time employees.

What is the primary focus of staff augmentation transition?

The primary focus of staff augmentation transition is smoothly integrating new talent into your existing team so they can start contributing right away, without disrupting your workflow or culture.