How Much Does Software Development Really Cost? A Comprehensive Breakdown
JUL 20,2024

How Much Does Software Development Really Cost? A Comprehensive Breakdown

Facu Gandini
Braintly Co-Founder

Understanding the cost of software development is a critical challenge for businesses investing in technology solutions. 

Various factors such as project complexity, team composition, and technology stack influence pricing, making accurate cost prediction essential.

Misestimating these costs can result in budget overruns, delays, and suboptimal outcomes. Businesses often find it difficult to comprehend where their money goes and why, complicating financial planning and decision-making.

To address this issue, partnering with our experienced team ensures you receive a transparent and detailed cost analysis, providing the best value for your investment. 

This comprehensive guide will explore the elements contributing to software development costs, how these factors impact pricing, and how our approach guarantees high-quality, cost-effective solutions tailored to your business needs.

Factors Influencing Software Development Costs

Project Complexity

The complexity of your project plays a significant role in determining the overall cost of software development.

  • A project with simple, straightforward features will naturally cost less than one with intricate functionalities and advanced integrations.

  • For example, a basic mobile app with limited features like user login and data display will be less expensive than a complex enterprise system requiring advanced data analytics, real-time processing, and multi-platform compatibility.

Defining the scope and specific features early on helps in providing an accurate cost estimate. Remember, more complexity means more time and resources, which translates to higher costs. 

By thoroughly understanding your project's requirements at the outset, you can better manage your budget and ensure that the final product meets your business needs without unnecessary financial strain.

Team Composition

The composition of your development team significantly impacts the cost of your software project. 

A typical team includes developers, designers, project managers, and quality assurance specialists. Each role is crucial, and the expertise required can vary based on your project's complexity.

  • For example, a project requiring advanced front-end design and back-end functionality may need specialized developers, which can increase costs.

  • Larger teams can complete tasks more quickly but will also require a larger budget.
    Experienced professionals command higher rates, but their efficiency and expertise often lead to better-quality outcomes and potentially faster delivery.
    Balancing the team's size and expertise with your budget is essential for achieving cost-effective development without compromising on quality.

Technology Stack

The technology stack you choose for your project can significantly influence development costs. A technology stack includes all the programming languages, frameworks, libraries, and tools used in the development process.

  • Some technologies may require specialized skills, which can drive up costs due to the need for experienced developers.

  • Using newer or niche technology might be more expensive than opting for widely-used, well-supported options.

Additionally, different stacks have varying levels of efficiency; some may speed up the development process, while others might slow it down, affecting the overall budget. 

The choice of front-end, back-end, and database technologies also impacts scalability and maintenance costs in the long run.

Carefully selecting a technology stack that aligns with your project requirements and budget constraints is crucial for cost-effective development.

Cost Breakdown by Development Phases

Development Phase Description Cost-Saving Measures
Planning and Analysis - Requirements gathering, feasibility studies, and detailed project planning.
- Identifying project's objectives, target audience, and core functionalities.
- Outputs include detailed documentation and well-defined requirements.
- Mitigate risks and avoid costly changes by comprehensive planning.
- Ensure all stakeholders are aligned.
- Detailed planning can minimize revisions and keep the project on schedule and within budget.
Design and Prototyping - Creation of wireframes and mockups to visualize the application's layout, features, and navigation paths.
- Helps stakeholders understand the final product's look and function.
- Aimed at improving user satisfaction and reducing post-launch modifications.
- Iterative testing and feedback during prototyping to identify and correct design flaws early.
- Good design reduces the likel

Cost Variations Based on Project Types

Project Type Factors Influencing Cost Cost-Saving Measures
Mobile Applications - Platform (iOS, Android, or both).
- Complexity and specific features (in-app purchases, location services).
- Separate native apps require distinct codebases and expertise.
- Ongoing maintenance, updates, and compatibility testing with new OS versions.
- Use cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter for code reuse across platforms.
- Opt for simpler app functionality where possible.
- Prioritize essential features to minimize development time and costs.
- Plan for regular updates and maintenance to keep costs predictable.
Web Applications - Scope and complexity of the project (simple informational websites vs. advanced features like user authentication, data analytics, real-time updates).
- Choice between pre-built templates and custom designs.
- Need for responsive design to ensure compatibility across devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones).
- Integration with third-party services (payment gateways, social media APIs).
- Use pre-built templates for simpler projects.
- Opt for custom designs only when a unique user experience is critical.
- Prioritize responsive design for better user experience and reduced long-term costs.
- Evaluate necessity and ROI of third-party integrations.
Custom Software Solutions - Complexity of features and technology stack used.
- Level of integration with existing systems.
- Need for specialized expertise.
- Ongoing maintenance and future scalability.
- Tailored to specific business needs, offering better performance and user satisfaction.
- Clearly define project requirements to avoid scope creep.
- Utilize modular development to add features incrementally.
- Hire experienced developers to ensure efficient and high-quality code.
- Invest in scalable architecture to accommodate future growth.
- Focus on high ROI features that deliver the most business value.

Hard Data and Statistics on Software Development Costs

To provide a realistic perspective on software development costs, it's essential to look at hard data and statistical insights derived from industry reports, surveys, and market analysis. 

Below are some key data points that help illustrate the financial landscape of software development:

Average Costs by Project Type

  1. Simple Mobile Applications:

  • Cost Range: $10,000 to $50,000

  • Examples include basic utility apps or simple informational apps with few features.
  1. Complex Mobile Applications:

  • Cost Range: $50,000 to $200,000+

  • Examples include apps with intricate functionalities such as real-time data processing, social integrations, and custom animations.

  1. Simple Web Applications:

  • Cost Range: $5,000 to $30,000

  • Examples include basic corporate websites or small-scale e-commerce platforms.

  1. Complex Web Applications:

  • Cost Range: $30,000 to $150,000+

  • Examples include web applications with advanced data analytics, user authentication, and real-time updates.

  1. Custom Software Solutions:

  • Cost Range: $25,000 to $1,000,000+

  • Examples include tailored ERP systems, CRMs, and other enterprise-level solutions.

Hourly Rates by Region

  1. North America (USA & Canada):

  • Average Hourly Rate: $100 to $200 per hour

  • Known for high-quality development but also higher costs.

  1. Western Europe (UK, Germany, France):

  • Average Hourly Rate: $75 to $150 per hour

  • Combines quality with relatively high costs.

  1. Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Romania):

  • Average Hourly Rate: $25 to $50 per hour

  • Known for cost-effective, high-quality development services.

  1. Asia (India, China, Philippines):

  • Average Hourly Rate: $15 to $45 per hour

  • Budget-friendly options with a wide variance in quality.

Time & Cost by Development Stages

  1. Planning and Analysis:

  • Time: 2 to 4 weeks

  • Cost: 10% to 15% of the total project budget

  • Involves detailed requirements gathering, feasibility studies, and project planning.

  1. Design and Prototyping:

  • Time: 3 to 6 weeks

  • Cost: 15% to 20% of the total project budget

  • Includes wireframing, mockups, and iterative feedback.

  1. Development and Testing:

  • Time: 8 to 20 weeks

  • Cost: 50% to 60% of the total project budget

  • Entails coding, integrating, and rigorous testing to ensure quality.
  1. Deployment and Maintenance:

  • Time: Ongoing

  • Cost: 15% to 25% of the total project budget annually

  • Includes setting up the live environment, monitoring, updates, and bug fixes.

Outsourcing vs. In-house Costs


  • Cost Efficiency: Often 30% to 50% cheaper than in-house development

  • Flexibility: Access to a wide pool of global talent


  • Cost: Significantly higher due to salaries, benefits, and overheads

  • Control: Greater control and alignment with company culture

Cost Distribution in Software Development

  1. Development (Coding/Programming): ~40% to 50%

  2. Design (UX/UI): ~10% to 20%

  3. Project Management: ~10% to 15%

  4. Quality Assurance (Testing): ~10% to 20%

  5. Other Costs: ~5% to 15%


To sum up, the cost of software development is influenced by multiple factors including project complexity, team composition, and technology stack. 

Breaking down the cost by development phases planning and analysis, design and prototyping, development and testing provides a roadmap to manage expenses efficiently. 

Different project types such as mobile applications, web applications, and custom software solutions each come with their own set of cost considerations. 

Industry data and statistical insights further highlight the financial landscape, offering valuable benchmarks for budgeting.

By understanding the nuances of software development costs and leveraging knowledgeable partners, businesses can achieve high-quality, cost-effective solutions tailored to their unique needs, thus maximizing their return on investment.

Book a Meeting with Braintly

Ready to take the next step? Booking a meeting with us, is easy and could be the beginning of a transformative journey for your business. 

During our meeting, we'll focus on your specific needs, goals, and how our staff augmentation services can help streamline your processes and boost revenue.

Book a meeting with us today and find out how Braintly can help you overcome your tech challenges and position your business for success. We're looking forward to meeting you and answering any questions you might have.