Enough with the Speculation - Let's Take a Look at the Real Data on How Startups are Doing
JUL 16,2024

Enough with the Speculation - Let's Take a Look at the Real Data on How Startups are Doing

Facu Gandini
Braintly Co-Founder

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Enough with the Speculation - Let's Take a Look at the Real Data on How Startups are Doing

@cartainc has provided some fascinating insights into the current state of the private markets. While the picture is mixed, there are a few key takeaways that shed light on the current trends and challenges faced by startups.

Seed Stage Steady

Median seed valuations continued to rise in Q2, indicating stability and growth at the earliest funding stage. This suggests that investors still see potential in new startups and are willing to invest in their initial phases. The steady rise in seed valuations is a positive indicator for those looking to enter the startup ecosystem.

Why This Matters:

  • Investor Confidence: Rising valuations indicate that investors have confidence in the potential of new startups, even in uncertain economic times.
  • Growth Opportunities: Early-stage startups can leverage this investor interest to secure the necessary funding for growth and development.
  • Innovation Encouragement: The availability of seed funding encourages innovation and the birth of new ideas that can potentially disrupt markets.

Series A Holding Firm

Valuations declined only marginally here, suggesting a cautiously optimistic outlook for later-stage startups. Despite a slight dip, the stability in Series A valuations shows that there is still significant interest and confidence in startups that have moved beyond the initial stages and are looking to scale.

Key Insights:

  • Sustained Interest: Investors remain interested in scaling startups, indicating that those with proven concepts and initial traction can still attract funding.
  • Risk Management: The marginal decline suggests a balanced approach by investors who are cautious but not overly pessimistic about the future of these startups.
  • Strategic Scaling: Startups in this stage should focus on refining their business models and demonstrating scalable growth to attract and retain investor interest.

Series B Thriving

This is the bright spot, with valuations rising for the third straight quarter - a clear sign of strength. The consistent increase in Series B valuations highlights that startups at this stage are successfully scaling their operations and attracting substantial investments. This growth phase is critical for startups looking to expand their market presence and develop their product offerings.

Reasons for Optimism:

  • Strong Performance: The rising valuations indicate that Series B startups are performing well and achieving significant milestones.
  • Investor Trust: Continued investor support at this stage shows trust in the long-term potential and profitability of these startups.
  • Market Expansion: Startups can use the influx of capital to expand their market reach, enhance product development, and strengthen their competitive position.

Concerning Trend: Startup Shutdowns on the Rise

However, the data also reveals a concerning trend - startup shutdowns are up a staggering 237% year-over-year. This dramatic increase indicates that many startups are struggling to navigate the current economic climate. While some startups are thriving, many others are forced to shut their doors, highlighting the challenges in the market.

Understanding the Shutdown Surge:

  • Economic Pressures: Macroeconomic factors such as inflation, supply chain disruptions, and changing consumer behaviors are putting pressure on startups.
  • Funding Challenges: Not all startups can secure the necessary funding to survive and grow, leading to increased shutdowns.
  • Operational Hurdles: Startups face various operational challenges, including talent acquisition, regulatory compliance, and technological advancements, which can hinder their progress.

Complex and Bifurcated Market

It's a complex, bifurcated market - pockets of growth coexist with widespread contraction. Startup leaders will need to be nimble and resourceful to weather the storm. The market's dual nature means that while some areas are experiencing growth and investment, others are facing significant hurdles and declines.

Navigating the Complexity:

  • Agility is Key: Startups must be agile and adaptable to respond quickly to market changes and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  • Resource Management: Efficient management of resources, including financial, human, and technological, is crucial for survival and growth.
  • Strategic Pivoting: Startups should be prepared to pivot their business models, products, or target markets based on evolving market dynamics.

Potential Solution: Partnering with Cost-Effective Software Development Teams in Latin America

One potential solution to extend your runway and navigate these challenges is partnering with cost-effective software development teams in Latin America. By tapping into these global resources, you can keep your business running while the market sorts itself out. Leveraging talented yet affordable teams from regions like Latin America can provide a significant competitive edge and help manage costs effectively.

Advantages of Latin American Teams:

  • Cost Efficiency: Hiring teams in Latin America can be up to 60% cheaper than in other regions, allowing startups to extend their financial runway.
  • Skilled Talent Pool: Latin America boasts a diverse and skilled talent pool, particularly in tech and software development.
  • Cultural and Time Zone Compatibility: The cultural similarities and time zone alignment with North America facilitate seamless collaboration and communication.

Making Informed Decisions

No more speculation - the data is in. Now it's time to make informed decisions and position your startup for success, no matter the environment. By understanding the current market trends and leveraging global resources, startups can navigate these turbulent times more effectively. It's crucial for startup leaders to remain agile, adapt to changing conditions, and seize opportunities as they arise.

Steps to Success:

  1. Analyze Market Data: Regularly review market data and trends to stay informed and make evidence-based decisions.
  2. Leverage Global Talent: Consider expanding your talent pool by hiring remote teams from cost-effective regions like Latin America.
  3. Focus on Core Strengths: Concentrate on your startup's core strengths and unique value propositions to stand out in a competitive market.
  4. Adapt and Innovate: Be willing to adapt your business model and innovate to meet changing market demands and customer needs.
  5. Build Strong Relationships: Foster strong relationships with investors, partners, and customers to build a supportive network.


The insights from Carta Inc. provide a mixed but informative picture of the current state of the private markets. While some sectors show stability and growth, others face significant challenges. By focusing on strategic partnerships and informed decision-making, startups can position themselves for success in a complex and ever-changing market environment.

For startup leaders, the key takeaways are clear:

  • Embrace Agility: Adapt quickly to market changes and be ready to pivot when necessary.
  • Invest Wisely: Use resources efficiently and consider global talent to manage costs and extend your runway.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly analyze market data to make informed decisions and stay ahead of trends.

As we move forward, let's work together for a healthy 2024 and build exciting projects and companies.

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Harnessing the Power of AI in Software Development

I'm not a developer, but using @AnthropicAI's Claude, I managed to set up and run a solution in just 35 minutes. The great part is that the AI provided step-by-step instructions, recommended development tools, and guided every necessary click. This is the potential of AI in software development: improving productivity and reducing costs.

The Journey Begins

It all started over lunch with my co-founders. We were deep in conversation about the advancements in AI and how this technology was impacting our team. This sparked a thought: how could AI assist us more directly in the software development process? That conversation lingered, and I decided to spend a week testing how AI could assist in the software development industry.

Surprising Precision and Usefulness

What surprised me the most was the precision and usefulness of the instructions provided by the AI. From server setup to SaaS recommendations and detailed guidance on every step, the AI was remarkably accurate. Even when I encountered a configuration issue, the AI knew exactly where I needed to click. Initially, I thought this experiment would take a week, but to my astonishment, in just 35 minutes, I had a compiled solution ready on a server. This level of efficiency was unthinkable a few years ago.

The Role of Human Collaboration

While AI was instrumental in guiding the process, human collaboration was crucial in validating the outcomes. This interaction demonstrated that with the right questions, AI could teach and guide through detailed tutorials, allowing even someone without dev experience to make significant progress. Curiosity played a big part here, driving me to explore deeper and understand the AI's capabilities.

Lowering the Barrier to Programming

The barrier to becoming a programmer is lowering significantly. With the help of AI, and for just $20 a month, it's possible to code an MVP from scratch. This democratizes software development, making it accessible to novice programmers and helping experienced developers tackle specific tasks more efficiently. The potential here is enormous, as it allows a wider audience to engage in software development without the steep learning curve traditionally associated with it.

A Turning Point in Software Development

While there are still doubts about the quality of AI-generated code, it's evident that we're at a turning point. AI is making software development more accessible and faster, which will inevitably reduce costs and increase demand. As Naval Ravikant says, "AI will replace the people who think." This suggests a future where AI complements human skills, enhancing productivity and innovation.

Real-World Application: My Experience

In my practical test, the AI's guidance was clear and straightforward. Here's a breakdown of what the process looked like:

  1. Initiation: I logged into the AI platform and described my project needs.
  2. Tool Recommendations: The AI recommended using Replit for the backend (NodeJS) and StackBlitz for the front (VueJS).
  3. Step-by-Step Guidance: The AI provided detailed instructions, from setting up the server to integrating various components.
  4. Troubleshooting: Whenever I encountered an issue, the AI quickly identified the problem and guided me through the solution.
  5. Completion: Within 35 minutes, I had a fully functional solution deployed on a server.

The Importance of AI in Modern Development

The modern software development landscape is rapidly evolving, and AI is at the forefront of this transformation. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Increased Accessibility: AI is lowering the barrier to entry for software development, making it accessible to non-developers.
  • Enhanced Productivity: AI tools can significantly reduce the time required to set up and run solutions, allowing developers to focus on more complex tasks.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Affordable AI tools enable even novice programmers to create MVPs from scratch, reducing development costs.
  • Human-AI Collaboration: Effective collaboration between humans and AI can lead to more precise and useful outcomes, combining human creativity with AI efficiency.
  • Future Potential: The integration of AI in software development represents a significant shift, promising more efficient and cost-effective solutions in the industry.

Conclusion: The Future of AI in Software Development

The potential of AI in software development is immense. By providing step-by-step guidance, AI tools like Claude are making it easier for anyone to set up and run solutions, regardless of their technical background. This not only democratizes software development but also enhances productivity and reduces costs.

As we continue to explore and leverage AI in various industries, the possibilities are endless. The future of software development is here, and it's powered by AI.

If you want more details, this is the stack:

  • @AnthropicAI Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  • @Replit for the backend (NodeJS)
  • @stackblitz for the front (VueJS)

Blog 3 Link X

Streamlining Sales and Operations: A Case Study from Braintly

In our ever-evolving world of business and technology, efficiency and speed are paramount. At Braintly, we’ve harnessed our 15+ years of experience to streamline our sales process to a single call, connect our engineering team in hours, and deliver projects in weeks, not months. This case study explores our journey to operational excellence, culminating in securing two new clients.

The Discovery: Standardizing Team Configurations

Over the years, we’ve observed a consistent pattern in our clients’ needs. Approximately 80% of our clients require the same team configuration: a team leader, a web/mobile developer, and a QA specialist. Recognizing this trend was a game-changer. It allowed us to standardize the allocation of this technical trio, enabling us to assign teams more effectively and efficiently. This operational insight was crucial, but it also highlighted a need to innovate our approach to sales and service offerings.

Adjusting Sales Strategy and Service Offerings

Despite our operational findings, our hiring methods, processes, and methodologies remained unchanged for a long time. However, we realized that to truly capitalize on our insights, we needed to revamp our sales strategy and service offerings.

Publishing Transparent Pricing

We began by publishing our pricing based on the high likelihood that clients would need the standard team configuration. We branded this approach as “Squads.” This move significantly simplified our sales process. Traditional agencies often move at a slow pace, bogged down by detailed team needs discussions and prolonged budget negotiations. By contrast, our clients now enter discussions knowing the price and understanding our working model from the outset.

Embracing Agile Adaptation

Our revamped sales strategy isn’t just about specific deliverables; it’s about agile adaptation to client demand. Our long-term vision is to offer a subscription model akin to services like Netflix. Clients can subscribe, pay, and within 48 hours, have a complete team working on their project. Although this process is challenging due to traditional hiring practices, we offer flexibility by allowing clients to pause or cancel their subscriptions at any time. This flexibility is a significant selling point and aligns with modern business needs.

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Productivity

In addition to refining our sales strategy, we’re also focused on improving productivity and operational speed through artificial intelligence. This approach isn’t about replacing jobs but enhancing the efficiency of those adopting these technologies. By integrating AI into our processes, we’ve seen a productivity increase of between 30% and 35%. AI helps streamline tasks, reduce human error, and free up our team to focus on more complex, creative problem-solving tasks.

The Role of AI in Operational Efficiency

AI has been instrumental in several areas:

  • Automating Repetitive Tasks: By automating mundane tasks, AI allows our team to focus on high-value activities that require human intelligence and creativity.
  • Enhancing Decision-Making: AI provides data-driven insights that help us make better decisions faster.
  • Improving Client Interaction: AI-driven chatbots and customer service tools ensure clients receive prompt and accurate responses, improving overall client satisfaction.

Facing the Future: Commoditization and Market Trends

Looking ahead, we foresee potential commoditization in the software development field. Increasing accessibility to these technologies could make becoming a developer more accessible and competitive, potentially leading to price reductions in the market. This trend underscores the importance of our strategy to remain agile and continuously improve our operational efficiency.

Preparing for Market Shifts

To stay ahead, we are:

  • Investing in Continuous Learning: Ensuring our team is always up-to-date with the latest technologies and methodologies.
  • Fostering a Culture of Innovation: Encouraging our team to experiment with new ideas and approaches.
  • Enhancing Client Value: Continuously refining our offerings to provide maximum value to our clients.

Securing New Clients: A Testament to Our Success

Thanks to our new approach, we’ve successfully onboarded two new clients:

  1. A Marketplace for the Retail and Art Sectors: We are developing an innovative platform that combines retail and art, providing a unique marketplace for users.
  2. A Project in the Geospatial Industry: This involves leveraging our technical expertise to develop solutions for geospatial data management and analysis.

These new partnerships are a testament to the effectiveness of our streamlined processes and innovative approach. They highlight our ability to adapt to market needs and deliver exceptional value to our clients.

Conclusion: The Power of Streamlined Operations

Our journey at Braintly is a testament to the power of streamlined operations and innovative thinking. By standardizing team configurations, publishing transparent pricing, embracing agile adaptation, and leveraging artificial intelligence, we’ve significantly improved our efficiency and client satisfaction. The result? Faster delivery times, reduced costs, and the successful onboarding of new clients.

As we look forward to 2024, we remain committed to enhancing our processes and delivering exceptional value to our clients. We believe that by continuing to innovate and adapt, we can navigate the complexities of the market and achieve sustained success.

If you want more details, this is the stack we use:

  • @AnthropicAI Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  • @Replit for the backend (NodeJS)
  • @StackBlitz for the front (VueJS)

This is our consolidated vision at Braintly of how the subscription model and the integration of emerging technologies are transforming our business and operational approach. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey and explore the future of software development with us.